CULTIVATION TECHNIQUES: Production in the open field.
VARIETY: New Clio, Export.
DESCRIPTION: It has well-developed heads, leaves dark green, elongated, narrow and very rugged. The coasts are very white, wide and thick. The weight varies from 400 grams to 700 grams.
PACKAGING: Frying pan 40x60x15 - Net weight 8-9 kg.
HEALTH BENEFITS: Rich in minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and calcium is a good source of vitamin A and vitamin C. Its bitter taste stimulates the digestive, diuretic, depurative and detoxifying functions . The leathery leaves are eaten cooked.It's ideal for dieting because it reduces the absorption of carbohydrates. The Catalonia cicory is indicated in cases of constipation because it has laxative properties. It also has vasodilatory and stimulating circulation property.
TRANSPLANT: From early August to late October.
RAISING: From mid-September to mid-April.